Creating a Capsule

For application developers, OpenVisionCapsules provides a function to package up unpackaged capsules. The optional key field encrypts the capsule with AES.

from vcap import package_capsule

                Path("capsules", "detector_person.cap"),
                key="[AES Key]")

For capsule developers for an application, it is the job of the application to provide a way to package capsules. Please see the documentation for the application you are using for more information.

Creating an Object Detector Capsule with Supervisely

If you’ve trained tensorflow-object-detection-API object detector using Supervisely, you can follow the following steps to deploy your model as a capsule:

Set up the TF Object Detection API

First, set up the Tensorflow Object Detection API on your machine by cloning the tensorflow/models repository and following the object detection API installation instructions. Make sure the tests pass before continuing- otherwise, you might have forgotten to set up certain environment variables!

Freeze your trained Supervisely model

Next, you must download your trained Supervisely model and extract it. Inside you should see the following directory structure:

├── config.json
├── model.config
└── model_weights
    ├── checkpoint
    ├── model.ckpt.index
    └── model.ckpt.meta

Now, you must simply freeze the model to get the frozen_inference_graph.pb. To do that, run models/research/object_detection/ script inside of your downloaded model directory.

python PATH/TO/ \
    --input_type image_tensor \
    --pipeline_config_path model.config \
    --trained_checkpoint_prefix model_weights/model.ckpt \
    --output_directory .

There should now be a frozen_inference_graph.pb in the current directory. This is the model file that has been optimized for inference, and is much more portable for production use.